The Comcast.net front page was hacked for several hours overnight on Wednesday, leaving the company's 14.1 million subscribers unable to access their email. The front page was replaced with a message from the hackers saying they had "RoXed" Comcast.
The hackers apparently seized control of the
Comcast.net domain name by changing Comcast's registrar account at
Network Solutions and redirected traffic to other bogus servers. Comcast was able to stop traffic to the bogus servers by the following morning.
There has been no reports that personal or private information was stolen, but this just serves as a reminder that passwords should be changed frequently. Security experts recommend changing passwords as frequently as every week, if not at least every month since this shows how vulnerable email servers can be. They also say to use a mix of letters and numbers and stay away from using family member's names, birthdays, etc...
So the next time you log in and surprisingly see a hacker-like note, let's hope you changed your password.