Friday, May 2, 2008

Real-life Iron Man?

The new Iron Man movie hit theaters today in a big way. The movie is getting great reviews so far - Rotten Tomatoes even gave it a 94% and it's currently listed as the best movie of the year so far.

The movie pushes an interesting plot, based on the comic, of a man who engineers a combat suit, complete with weapons and armor, and effectively becomes a one man army. An interesting idea and one that makes me wonder if such a thing is possible in this day and age.

MSNBC posted an article that tries to see how close we really are to such a reality.

Right now, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV - know you know what it means you on COD4) and robots are currently all the rage in terms of ground-breaking military technology. I expect that that trend will continue in the future. I'm thinking Terminator got it right, not so much Tony Stark.