Monday, May 5, 2008

Xobni: it's Inbox Spelled Backwards

Everyone who uses Outlook will be happy to know that Xobni has just gone public. Xobni is a new program that works with Outlook to make getting emails much more fun and interactive. It pops up in outlook as a window on the left side. This is what it looks like:
It offers up stats and information on just about everything you could ever want or need to know about the email you send and receive. In the example above, it has the info of the person who's sent the email to you, based on information that xobni has extracted from previous emails. It automatically pulls out numbers, names, and addresses so that you have a profile for everyone you interact with. It also lists pasts emails and downloaded from the person, statistically represents how often you communicate and when, and other people who are connected to that person. It can also pull information relevant to your emails from the web for you. Pretty much a TON of information that you didn't even know you wanted to know.

In addition, Xobni let's you search through your emails in a flash. If you use Outlook, you know that using it for years stacks up thousands of emails and searching through them can take years. Xobni apparently makes it so that searching through emails is much faster. Searching, organizing, and navigating through your inbox has been revolutionized for Outlook users. You can check out videos and more on the company site. Another invention that makes work easier and faster. Cool invention with an equally cool tagline.